ADHD and life

I’m still waiting for my referral to a psychiatrist to go through, hoping to receive the medication I’m not even sure I’ll be able to combine with the one I’m already taking. Story of my life. Meanwhile I’ve been too busy for my own good (school, work, changing the tires, Madeleine, my mother visiting, Sam and everything else) and on top of that I’ve been stressing myself out big time by saying yes to more exciting work (human trafficking) on top of the boring work (tax legislation) I had already committed to. Because the ADHD does this to you. You want to be everywhere, afraid you might be missing out on something interesting, not realizing that the world will be spinning regardless of your participation.

And so our house looked like a war zone and I got so distracted by all of it that I barely remembered to take my keys with me when I left for work yesterday. Not being able to find a parking spot in “my regular street”, a 10 minutes’ walk away from work, I thought I’d try my luck nearer the Court house. And what do you know? I almost let out a scream when a prime spot was vacant. All’s good that ends good, except for the fact that by the end of the day I couldn’t remember where I’d parked and so I walked all the way to my usual spot. And then back! It was raining and I had three umbrellas in the car, but obviously I couldn’t remember to get any of them, so none on me. And so I cursed aloud, I cursed all the devils and the Gods altogether, but that only enhanced my anxiety and my bad mood.

But that was yesterday. Today I’m all zen, thanking God we have no more school gatherings where you’re supposed to do all sorts of stuff I’ve already been doing for 12 years, with people that have little or no experience in the field. No work at all today, just a long to-do-list, so my memory doesn’t play tricks on me again. It’s raining outside and I lit the fire, I’m sitting here with my coffee and I can hear my own thoughts. And if this isn’t bliss, I don’t know what is.

xxx, Alina